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Tag: Maven

Dropwizard Automatic Build and Deploy to Cloud-Native Microservices

Today we keep covering the topic of building Java microservices, so decided to pay heed to a popular framework, called Dropwizard. Comparing to alternatives,...

Spring Boot Thin Jar Builder for Running Java Microservices

Today we’d like to continue the topic about building microservices and move from Fat (Uber) Jar to Thin Jar for Spring Boot projects. Thin...

Building Microservices with Spring Boot Fat (Uber) Jar

In most of the minds, microservices is an approach to make a traditional monolithic system more structured, dividing it into logical components that correspond...

Java 10 Support at Jelastic PaaS: The Main Benefits and Smooth...

Recently Java development community was flustered with adoption of a new long-term Java development plan, announced by Oracle team. Its integration implies releasing a...