Jelastic released Multi-Region Deployment and Automatic Container Rollback


Jelastic PaaS version 5.6 is released with ability to deploy packaged applications and services across multiple regions, automatic backup and restore of containers during redeploy, custom IPv6 firewall rules, as well as other improvements targeted on platform performance and usability.

“The benefits of multi-region workloads distribution are obvious and hard to underestimate. HA, DR, Geo-Routing are still among the most complex tasks for ISVs and SMBs. This inspires us for implementation of automatic multi-region deployment with ability to set up interconnection and synchronization between application clusters,” says Ruslan Synytsky, Jelastic CEO and co-founder, “Also, current release aims to enhance already available functionality based on the feedback of the clients and partners. As without exaggeration, continuous improvement is our priority.”

Multi-Region Deployment

Jelastic PaaS Cloud Scripting provides the possibility to pack pre-configured applications, clusters, services and add-ons that afterward can be deployed in one click. Starting with Jelastic PaaS version 5.6, customers can initiate the deployment of such packages across several regions. In combination with post deploy actions, the new release enables further automation for advanced scenarios to gain cross-region high availability, disaster recovery and geo-routing.

Automatic Backup and Restore of Containers during Redeploy

Container redeploy is a powerful functionality to keep software solutions up to date. However, there are always risks of incompatibility with the new container version. As a result, the project can become partially or entirely unavailable till the problem is resolved. Aiming to eliminate even a slight possibility, Jelastic PaaS developed a new algorithm for containers redeploy that includes backup creation. So if an error occurs during container update, the platform automatically and painlessly restores previous version with comprehensive notification within the dashboard.

Custom IPv6 Firewall Rules

Most of the firewall configurations can be performed via the dedicated user interface, which allows configuring the inbound and outbound rules. Herewith, more flexible management custom firewall rules can be set for containers. Jelastic PaaS version 5.6 extends this functionality by adding the possibility to create custom firewall rules for IPv6 via the intuitive user interface.

A full list of features and improvements included for the Jelastic PaaS version 5.6 can be found within the release notes. Explore the updates yourself with a free trial at our Jelastic PaaS platform.

SOURCEJelastic, Inc.