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Jelastic PaaS

How to Migrate a WordPress Website to Jelastic PaaS

This article is intended to help with smooth migration of WordPress websites to Jelastic PaaS using pre-configured WordPress packages available in the marketplace. Follow...

Enterprise WordPress Hosting: Automatic Scaling and High Availability

WordPress availability and performance have a direct business impact and are major factors when choosing a hosting service. Obviously, no one wants to lose...

MongoDB Replica Set with Master-Slave Replication and Automated Failover

A replica set is a term used for defining a database cluster of multiple nodes with master-slave replication and automated failover configured between them....

LiteSpeed Web ADC: Load Balancing, Dynamic and Static Cache, Cyber Protection...

LiteSpeed Web ADC (Application Delivery Controller) is a new generation load balancer suitable for projects of any scale, being able to handle everyday traffic...

Schedule Backups for MySQL and MariaDB Databases

Have you ever felt a moment of panic when you realize that your data might be lost? Human errors, malicious attack, systems crash...

LiteSpeed Web Server for High-Load PHP Applications

The LiteSpeed Web Server is a highly scalable PHP web server with high performance and low memory consumption. It is built based on the...

HTTP/3 Premium CDN for Magento Cloud Hosting

The Jelastic PaaS HTTP/3 Premium CDN (Content Delivery Network) add-on leverages a highly interconnected global network, featuring massive bandwidth capacity, advanced caching and acceleration...

Java Garbage Collection Types and Settings in Jelastic PaaS

Performance and price are two big considerations in application hosting that always matter. And, often, we question ourselves on how to decrease the spends,...

Extended Support of Java Runtimes with Jelastic PaaS: AdoptOpenJDK, Liberica, Zulu,...

Jelastic Multi-Cloud PaaS empowered its Java cloud hosting platform introducing support of AdoptOpenJDK, Liberica, Zulu, Corretto, Eclipse OpenJ9 and GraalVM. These Java runtimes were...

Scaling Kubernetes on Application and Infrastructure Levels

Once an internal project from Google, Kubernetes has changed the way software development is done these days. A white steering wheel on a blue...